Host an Event

How To Host a FCA-KC Event

By Rosie Dearmore — Events Coordinator

Part of belonging to a club is interacting with other club members. To encourage that interaction, the club wants to increase the number of activities on our calendar. To do that, we need your help. We need club members to step forward and host an event or two.   What follows are the basic steps:

1. Come up with an idea! Sample ideas:

  • Garage Tours
  • Museum tours
  • Social events like lunch or dinner with a few friends 
  • Day drives to an attractive location
  • Weekend trips out of town.
  • Etc.

2. Do some preliminary research:

  • Will there be a cost to the attendees?
  • Is a deposit required to hold the event?
  • What dates are available at the location?
  • How many people can come?
  • What is the parking like-suitable for Ferraris or not?
  • How much time will it take, and what time of day is best?
  • Is there a charitable component, or is sponsorship possible?
  • Do you want prizes or mementos? The club does not stockpile gifts or regalia so you will be responsible for budgeting money for any prizes or mementos for the event.

3. Call or email the Rosie Dearmore, FCA-KC’s Events Coordinator:

Rosie will work with you to find an open date and finalize the details. Rosie can be reached at:

Things to remember:

  • In order to give your event the proper publicity, we need to have firm details as far in advance as possible. We will send out email blasts for your event.
  • The club may provide a subsidy for the event, to help moderate the costs to the members. This amount varies with the size and scope of the event. Our aim is to break even on most events.

Please feel free to contact Rosie Dearmore ( at any time regarding planning an activity. Let’s fill up the calendar with fun things to do!